Heroes & Adventures: let's get started!

Heroes & Adventures is a TTRPG that brings Backpack & Dream (by M.A. GUAX) into the Sword & Sorcery fantasy narrative! Create your own world and enjoy!


Heroes & Adventures is designed for people who don't like to bother with complex, endless-like manuals to have fun. This game offers a simple combat-focused system, with an easy way of managing social situations.

In other words, the "philosophy" behind this game is that you decide the "cinematics": if you wish to have a character that attacks with their fire fox, there is no need to develop another sheet for their companion. Indeed, you just have to consider it as a "manifestation" of the character's magic school power. Rules are the same: there is a single character for every player, that manifests their powers in every possible way they want to describe it. The same goes for weapons: if you wish to have a very small knife that becomes enormous once the character is near the enemy, you can do it!

Rules are the same! Cinematics doesn't affect how rules work. This is the golden rule that you and your party always have to keep in your mind.


It isn't explicitly stated, but you need a copy of Backpack & Dream in order to optimately play with this pamphlet. However, you could still consider ambiguous some wording. In order to make things clearer, always consider that:

  • When BODY drops to 0, you are UNCONSCIOUS. This means that everyone that falls unconscious, automatically falls down on the floor.
  • When MIND drops to 0, you are PANICKED. This means that everyone that falls panicked, automatically runs away from the situation that made them panicked.
  • When STAMINA drops to 0, you are EXHAUSTED. This means that everyone that falls exhausted, automatically refuses to make difficult actions and long travels, and needs to rest.



Heroes & Adventures TTRPG.pdf 3.7 MB
Jun 12, 2024
H&A Character Sheets (A5).pdf 475 kB
Jun 12, 2024

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